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Writer's pictureDr. Jordana Eisenstein Rosen


As the temperature dips, and the leaves put on their fiery autumn attire, we all know that it's time for pumpkin-spiced everything. But lurking in the shadows of fall's charm is a lesser-known horror show that's equally fascinating and spine-tingling. Brace yourselves, because today, we're diving deep into the eerie realm of bot flies. Warning: This blog post is not for the faint of heart! At first glance, you might think bot flies sound harmless, but trust me, these insects have a life cycle that will blow your mind and probably give you goosebumps.

Bot flies, also known as cuterebra flies are elusive creatures, seldom seen in their adult form, as their lives are short-lived, spanning just a few weeks. Their primary goals during this fleeting existence? Mating and laying eggs—no time for romantic beach strolls in their busy schedule! ​Now, here's where things get really creepy. Female bot flies lay their eggs close to the ground, strategically choosing spots where rodents or lagomorphs (like rabbits) might be lurking. The eggs hatch when the temperature is just right, typically in warmer months. Once hatched, the larvae attach themselves to the fur of small mammals, like a parasitic nightmare.

A dog presenting with a wound on their skin. As you can see a circular lesion, with crusted blood around it. This picture was taken prior to clipping and flushing.

But the real horror show begins when the larva makes its way inside the host through a natural body opening, such as the mouth. From there, they embark on a sinister journey through the host's body until they finally burrow their way to the skin, creating a cyst as they go. For the next 3 to 6 weeks, they grow rapidly beneath the surface, before gruesomely emerging from a pore in the skin. ​But here's the kicker – after their stint inside the host, the larvae burrow into the soil to mature further. Adult bot flies might not emerge until months or even years later, depending on the species and climate. Talk about a slow-burning nightmare! You're probably wondering, "Why are we delving into this intense entomology lesson?" Well, here's the connection to our beloved dogs and cats. While dogs and cats are not the preferred hosts for bot flies, they can still become accidental victims. These insidious creatures can infect our furry friends, and as a responsible pet owner, you should be vigilant. ​In most cases, bot fly infections in pets present as bleeding wounds, leaving owners puzzled about their origin. These wounds are typically itchy or painful to the touch, and there may even be a disturbing blood and pus discharge. Upon closer inspection, you might notice a circular opening in the skin, and if you look even closer, you might see the larvae squirming inside. ​If you suspect your pet has fallen prey to these nefarious parasites, it's crucial to seek veterinary attention immediately. Professionals will clip the fur around the opening and thoroughly flush the wound with an antimicrobial solution both before and after extracting the larvae. Extraction is a delicate process to avoid breaking the larvae, and it's uncommon to find more than one in these infections. So, as the leaves rustle in the crisp autumn breeze and you sip on your pumpkin spice latte, remember that there's a darker side to this beautiful season—the world of bot flies. Knowledge is your best defense, so stay vigilant, keep an eye on your pets, and if you ever notice any lumps, bumps, or strange wounds, don't hesitate to seek veterinary care. After all, in this creepy and crawly tale, it's better to be safe than sorry! ​If you want to see more check our the link below ⬇

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